Buying High-End Watches

So, you've decided to give yourself the gift of time in the form of an incredible watch. But not just any watch will do. You deserve the best. We're talking about the wished-for watches, the caviar of chronometers, top-notch timepieces.
We will guide you through what you need to know about these impressive bits of timekeeping so you can choose the best of the best. Get ready for a dive into the deep end of the high-end timepiece pool.
Is it Worth the Price?
Yes, luxury timepieces come at a higher price point. There's no way around that. If you are new to the world of watches, you might question why you'd pay a price with an extra one or two zeros compared to something you could get at your local Big Box store. After all, you could go to a strip mall behemoth, grab a watch, and also pick up a gallon of milk on the same trip. So much cheaper and more convenient, right?
That's certainly one approach, and if you're gifting a watch to the guy one cubicle over who clicks his pen all day, maybe that’s the way to go. But if this one’s for you (or that special someone you really love) set your target and standards higher than mass-produced Big Box land. Look for luxury.
What sets these fancy wrist pieces apart from your run-of-the-mill mass-retailer special? Just about everything. All watches tell time–though some do it more accurately than others–but looking at luxury square watches versus unstylish budget timepieces is like comparing a beat-up thrift store bike to a Porsche. Both are transportation, but that's where the similarities end. The sports car and high-end timepiece do their job with precision, impressive performance, and unparalleled panache while offering incredible, useful features. The bike's only feature is that annoying little bell. You get what you pay for.
When you decide to splurge on a watch, choose how much you want to spend, knowing that the more you push your price point, the more impressive a timepiece you can buy.
When it comes to luxury wrist candy, the price range can go from "this was a bit of a stretch" to "I only fly private." So, consider your budget before you start drooling over that limited-edition luxury piece. Set a realistic spending limit that won't leave you living off instant noodles for the next decade, but that still allows you to make a statement with your purchase.
This luxury timepiece is a generous splurge. If you didn't like the recipient (be it you or someone else), you'd be shopping for waffle makers and Waterpiks, not watches. But some people (including you) are worth stretching the budget for.
What Features Should I Look For?
Sure, the watch at a stretch price point is beautiful and something you can appreciate and wear for decades. Cue infomercial voice: But wait, there's more! Nice watches aren't just about looking pretty (though they do that exceptionally well); they're also about functionality. Your $20 digital watch might have a stopwatch and a backlight, but so what? Can it tell you the current altitude or measure your heart rate? I didn't think so.
Some high-end watches are packed with features you never knew you needed until you suddenly find yourself scaling an eight-thousander and wishing you had a built-in altimeter. Of course, most people will save their nicest wristwear for occasions that don't involve crampons and carabiners.
What features are most valuable depends on how you plan to use the watch. If your idea of an adventure climb is taking the elevator to your office, paying more for that altimeter may not make sense. If you are likely to save this beauty for special occasions or times when the only thing you are sweating is whether you will be on time for your date, you can use your sporty digital watch for your more athletic undertakings. You should choose the watch and its features to suit your lifestyle.
It's not just special features that separate high-end watches from their middle-class counterparts. It's also their exceptional functionality. Forget mountain climbing: a cheap watch could be destroyed if you forget to remove it before climbing into the shower. It could also lose several seconds every day. By the month's end, you could be 10 minutes late to that much-anticipated date. Why chance it?
As you shop, ask yourself this: does that discount-special watch have 10 ATM water resistance, a sapphire crystal lens, and 25 jewels? No, it doesn't.
What About the Jewels?
If someone starts rambling about jewels and timepieces, you might picture diamonds bedazzling the watch faces. Well, hold your bling-loving horses! They're not talking about sparkling adornments on the outside but rather the hidden gems nestled within.
Picture this: top-tier, fancy-pants automatic watches aren't just fancy on the outside. They've got synthetic gemstones—think sapphires and rubies—chilling inside their timekeeping bellies. Why hide those precious jewels on the inside? They aren't for fashion's sake; it's all about mechanics.
These little gems act as bearings, helping the cogs and gears twirl like a salsa dancer on an oiled dance floor: smooth. They're the VIPGs–Very Important Precious Gems– of the watch world, reducing friction and kicking positional errors to the curb.
And what's a positional error? We're so glad you asked. Think of some watches like a temperamental Hollywood star. They can churn out solid performances, but only if everything is exactly perfect. The actor melts down if the temperature in their trailer is two degrees higher than they prefer or their hotel room isn't stocked with a square watermelon and a bowl of pink Starbursts. Some watches keep accurate time, but only in their preferred position. Flip them over, tilt them sideways, or jiggle them, and positional errors cause them to lose or gain time.
Time travel may be cool when Doctor Who does it, but your watch is no British alien. Sure, we're talking milliseconds here, but over time, those suckers add up, turning your modest timepiece into tardy, not Tardis. That's positional errors in action. Jewels help keep everything running smoothly no matter the angle.
In luxury automatic watches, jewels mean smoother sailing through time and more accurate timekeeping.
Which Watch Brands are Best?
Ah, the age-old question: which brand to choose? Some watch collectors favor a specific brand. Think of that elderly man whose first car was a Cadillac. He's never owned anything since. He's a brand loyalist. Many others prefer to find watches they love, regardless of the brand. Trying out a new-to-you timepiece company can be almost as great a gift as the watch itself.
If you are already the coolest guy or gal in any room, you will love being able to set the trend rather than follow it. That means sporting a watch from an unexpected or boutique brand. Sure, a Ferrari is impressive, but it will look downright mundane parked next to a Lykan Hypersport. Never heard of that particular vehicle? That's kind of the point.
When buying a luxury timepiece, resist the urge to simply go with the brands everyone has heard of. Venture into smaller brands like Rockwell where you get more for your money, painstaking craftsmanship, and the thrill of knowing there won't be three others of the same style at tomorrow's party.
Every brand has its own personality–its own story to tell. There are so many incredible watch brands. If you struggle to narrow it down to the right one, consider zeroing in on watches conceptualized in the USA. You can support an American company and show off a watch that epitomizes American exceptionalism.
At Rockwell, we’re a little partial because of our commitment to domestically designed and customized watches, but we think luxury watches customized in USA are the best of all worlds–incredible craftsmanship, unmatched style, and support for an American business.
Save Time; Shop from Home
Alright, it's go time! You've got a budget and a sense of the vibe you want in your luxury watch. You're ready to shop. Is this an activity that requires wearing hard pants? Of course not. There's no reason not to shop from home in the base layer pants with a hole in the knee larger than a big-faced watch, thanks to that nasty spill you took during your last parkour outing. Online shopping allows you to compare more brands and styles. Pajamas welcomed. It also means you can avoid snooty salespeople.
We can't be the only ones who suddenly feel like criminals when we have to walk past a security guard and be buzzed into a store laden with more cameras than a Kardashian's living room, right? If a brand's price point is driven more by the cost of their marble floors and their bouncers' salaries than by the quality and craftsmanship of their watches, you are wasting your money.
If you haven't dusted off the sweat-caked grime after your afternoon climb or your morning gym session, no worries. A salesperson can smell you; a website can't. Shop from home. But you still might want to consider hitting the showers.
Watch the Return/Replacement Policy
Reliability isn't as sexy as style, but when it comes to a luxury timepiece, it's just as important. Being 15 minutes late because your watch stopped isn't luxury. When shopping for your high-end watch, look at a brand's refund/replacement policy.
You want a company that makes beautiful watches but also prides itself on the strength and durability of those watches. Some luxury watchmakers offer replacement policies, so if a manufacturing-related issue arises, you aren’t stuck with an expensive paperweight. Research any brand you are considering to see if they stand by their products and how difficult they make it to receive a replacement.
At Rockwell, we offer a 2-year warranty with 100% coverage of all manufacturing defects. We also offer a replacement policy that lets you trade in a Rockwell watch for a new version with 70% off MSRP. We’d like to think this should be the gold standard in the industry. Whatever you buy, ensure you are purchasing a reliable timepiece with a guarantee to back it up.
Can You Customize It?
You've found it: the perfect shape, size, construction, features, and brand. It’s going to be a good purchase. But who wants to settle for good? To make it an unforgettable, epic wonder of a watch, make it personal. This applies if you’re giftinging a high-end watch, too. The ideal gift for a loved one, esteemed employee, or cherished client is one that is made just for them. The idea of a bespoke watch–one made for your recipient–may sound expensive, but it can be a worthwhile splurge.
Look for a watchmaker that offers customization services. That might be a case or bracelet in the recipient's favorite color or embossing or etching to include a personal sentiment. Some watch companies can add these features to existing styles or, in some cases, design a custom watch from the ground up. Or is that the wrist up? Either way, the best way to get precisely what you want is to have it made or personalized. The giftee's face will light up if you give them a gold stainless steel watch. It will absolutely glow if that watch is customized.
Luxury Corporate Gift Watches
Luxury watches are perfect for you, but they can also be the perfect choice for a corporate watch gift. If you have a client or referral source you really want to impress—or an employee you hope will stay loyal for years to come—consider gifting a custom-branded watch of the luxury variety. It might include a watch dial with a company logo or a message of thanks embossed onto the back of the watch.
That should be enough information to get you headed in the right direction on your luxury timepiece search. A high-end watch is a memorable, meaningful way to treat yourself or acknowledge someone important to you. Birthday, anniversary, work milestone, corporate gift, or just because: there are many reasons to give yourself–or someone else–a luxury timepiece.